At Today’s Prices, Switching to LED Outdoor Lighting is Finally an Easy Decision
Due to recent improvements in Technology and falling costs, LED’s are quickly becoming the go-to lighting choice for outdoor lighting. The U.S Department of Energy says LEDs last 25 times longer and use 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs.
As an Orlando homeowner, you may not be aware that incandescent light bulbs are being phased out: An almost complete ban on their sale started in 2014 and will take full effect in 2020. Homeowners will need to switch to more energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulbs or light emitting diode (LED) bulbs. After examining the two most popular light bulb options, CFLs and LEDs, it is hard to beat the value offered by LEDs. Not only are their prices getting more affordable every day, they also lasts up to a decade longer. LED’s are simply a better option around for outdoor lighting.
From the chart above you can see that the cost of LED and CFL are about the same. The big draw back in using CFLs is they contain a small amount of mercury, which is very harmful to both your health and the environment. That means it’s bad news to break one and they should not be disposed of in your regular household trash.
Sometime in the near future you will not be able to buy any more incandescent light bulbs. Our prices for outdoor lighting LEDs are lower than they have ever been. It is hard to argue against a product that more than pays for itself in energy savings and might last the rest of your life. Call Southern Outdoor Lighting today to have LED landscape lighting installed around your home.
SOL uses only quality Orlando Contractors to ensure our lighting projects work in conjunction with any plumbing or other electrical issues.

$300 Value Lighting & Design Consultation for FREE
Free Lighting & Design Consultation A $300 Value! For a limited time, we are offering a free in-home lighting consultation. We’ll show you demos of up-to-the-minute technologies and discuss ideas for your space.